Whoever gets this right gets 50 points and brainlyest.( no links) What unit of time is the earliest span of time in Earth’s history? ______________________________
____________________ are divided into ____________________ and periods can be further divided into ___________________.
What are the 3 eras of geologic time? _______________________________________________
Identify the era in which the following occurred:
____________________ Reptiles become dominant at the end of the era
____________________ Flowering plants became most common
____________________ Kinds of mammals increased
____________________ Dinosaurs became extinct
____________________ Seed plants were common by the end or the era
____________________ New mammals appeared while others became extinct
____________________ Formation of supercontinent Pangaea
____________________ Began with early invertebrates
____________________ Small mammals and birds appeared
____________________ Early vertebrate fish
____________________ Break-up of Pangaea
____________________ Flowering plants appeared at the end of the era
____________________ Early land plants (simple mosses and ferns)
____________________ Reptiles (including dinosaurs) dominated this era
____________________ Cone-bearing plants appear
____________________ First amphibians appear
____________________ Humans are a part of this era
____________________ Arachnids and insects appear
____________________ Diversity of life forms increase
____________________ Present Day Earth is in this era
____________________ Mass extinction of most marine invertebrates and amphibians
What are some events that can produce rapid changes to environmental conditions?
What typically results from these global events?
What marks the end of the Mesozoic Era?
What effects can explosive volcanic activity have on Earth?