Name one of the people who's work contributed to Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. In 2-4 sentences discuss that individuals work. In another 1-2 sentences who did that individuals work contribute/ relate to Darwin's Theory.

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One person that worked with Darwin was Alfred Wallace.  Darwin believed that species were able to change over time, and that they shared the same genetics due to their common ancestors. Alfred believed the theory of the of natural selection, and that when a humans die their spirit is gone after death. Things that relate to Darwin's theory is, Limeleus, it's a classification system from kingdom to species. There's also three theories of geological changes which were catastrophism (natural disaster) idea that catastrphism happen in the past and will continue. Gradualism ( everything must change), and last is Uniformitariansm  ( idea that what happened in the past, will happen again in the future). It's prevailing theory of geological change.