Respuesta :
Lots of money
I would want to save up in order to play sports and video games all day. I would also like to travel a lot
I am retired. I have a pension that takes care of my needs for now. It won't once the economies realize what they've done. Practically no one will be able to retire.
So I'm lucky in that I can pretty much do what I want within the jurisdiction where I live. Right now the virus is leading us on a merry chase and our borders are closed. I'm told it's a good thing because the medical care is being overwhelmed. I certainly didn't plan that.
I have the best care that anyone could wish for. I have Cancer but my two specialists take of me with a medication that only 10% of the population respond to, so I'm lucky. That's something I didn't plan on either but I should have. Both my parents succumbed to Cancer. And you have to take into account the bad with the good.
I love to travel and look forward to the borders opening up. Nothing is going to hold me up. You must always figure on what interests you have to become what you like to do. Everyone where I am does have an interest, but I don't think watching television should really count. I do like answer questions on Brainly. I've learned how to write answers that I'm satisfied with, even if students are not.