So i'm writing a poem to turn into lyrics for music class, and I was wondering if someone could read it, and give feedback and tips? Thanks in advance! :)
Here's the poem:
You wake up every morning with tears in your eyes,
And every day you put on the same disguise,
Filling your mind with decisions and lies.

You don’t know how long you can keep up this charade,
Taking a part in this weird masquerade.

You try to drown your fears,
To make them disappear,
But maybe your fears can swim,
Bobbing back up to mess it all up.

You feel you’ve already lost the race of decisions,
One after another, all those different visions.
You picture yourself with a reason for being,
But you still wish for a clear sense of seeing.

You try to drown your fears,
To make them disappear,
For they are no longer welcome here.
You no longer need the disguise behind your eyes,
Twisting the kaleidoscope to make a sense of hope.

Respuesta :

First of all, that is a very good poem. It does sound like it should be a song... Actually, it makes me think of a band called Get Scared (Hence my username). Honestly, I think it is perfect and shouldn't be changed. Anybody would be lucky to hear it. Probably should be a medium tempo, though.

Good luck!
Maybe change it to "you know you can't keep up this charade" to keep rhythm. And maybe change "Bobbing back up to mess it all up" to "Your light of hope is growing dim" to rhyme. The theme and rhymes in it are lovely, but it doesn't have a very clear pattern - you keep using a set of 3 lines, then 2, then 4. Maybe keep these regular and consistent - unless you will sing them a certain way to keep rhythm.