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The French word renaissance literally means ‘rebirth’, and was first seen in English in the 1830s. The first quote of Renaissance in English:
“A style possessing many points of rude resemblance with the more elegant and refined character of the art of the renaissance in Italy.” -W Dyce and C H Wilson’s Letter to Lord Meadowbank (1837)
The Renaissance is seen as a period of rebirth from the dark ages of Europe to the more enlightened and progressive ages of Europe.The century before the Renaissance was particularly dark with the Hundred Years war (1337 – 1453) devastating much of Europe, the failed Crusades and also the Black Death (1346 – 53) killing – 25 million (33%) of population.However, some academic scholars feel the term Renaissance is too vague and the “Renaissance years” were not particularly enlightened. Some scholars feel that the Renaissance was more accurately part of a ‘Longue duree’ of European historyThe Renaissance period still saw real problems, such as religious wars, political corruption, inequality, witch-hunts and corrput Borgia Popes. Most people who lived through the Renaissance didn’t view it as a ‘Golden Era’!The Renaissance was a period of ground-breaking explorations, with the discovery of new lands outside Europe by famous explorers, such as Christopher Columbus and Vespucci.The Renaissance was also a period of scientific discovery. Galileo Galilei and René Descartes (1596–1650) promoted a new view of astrology and mathematics, which challenged old Aristotelian ideas.N.Copernicus began the process of changing the whole view of the world. He argued the sun was centre of the galaxy rather than the earth. This heliocentric view of the world was controversial because it challenged the existing teaching of the church. But, during the Renaissance, this heliocentric view gradually came to be accepted.