Alice and Bob are unknown to each other. Alice wants to send an encrypted message to Bob. So it chooses a KDC which is known to both Alice and Bob (protocol in page 338). Alice and KDC have A5 (hexa) as a shared key. Bob and KDC have 4B (hexa) as a shared key. Alice sends a request to KDC to generate a session key so it can communicate with Bob. KDC generates 56(hexa) as a session key. Alice intends to send 13 (hexa) as a message to Bob. For simplicity assume that the encryption and decryption operations are simply XOR operation of the key with the message. Answer the following.
1. What information does KDC send to Alice? Show as hex characters.
2. What information does Alice send to Bob? Show as hexa characters.
3. What message does Bob retrieve after decryption? Show as hexa characters.