
what is migration. List what the adverse effects of migration in the place of origin and the place of destination.​

Respuesta :

*Migration is the movement of people from one permanent home to another.
*Migration can have both positive and negative impacts on countries of origin as well as those of destination.
*For the countries migrants are leaving, the loss of labour can relieve pressure in over-crowded labour markets, propping up wages and easing unemployment.
*Moreover, migrants send home remittances and bring knowledge and ideas as they return.
*But emigration also can come with economic and social costs, such as labour shortages, a loss of educated and skilled workers and social repercussions for family members left behind.
*Public authorities in countries of origin need to address such costs while putting in place conditions to maximise the benefits.

Hope it helps u! :)

Migration is defined as the movement of people over some distance (or at least from one "migration-defining. area" to another) and from one "usual place of residence" to another.

Fewer skilled migrants, as those with skills and education, tend to be the people who migrate. This is also known as brain drain. Brain drain could harm economic development.

What are the effects of migration?

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intent to settle. Causes: In preindustrial societies, environmental factors, such as the need for resources due to overpopulation, were often the cause of migration.

What are the types of migration?

  • Internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent.
  • External migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent. emigration: leaving one country to move to another. immigration: moving into a new country.

Learn more about What are the effects of migration?  here: