EXERCISE 3: Give advice.

Example: I have a test tomorrow.

->You should (ought to, had better) study tonight.

5. My foot is asleep.


6. My roommate snores, and I can't get to sleep.

-> _________________________________________

7. My friend is arriving at the airport this evening. I'm supposed to pick him up, but I've

forgotten what time his plane gets in.

-> _________________________________________

8. My apartment is a mess, and my mother is coming to visit tomorrow!

à _________________________________________

9. There's no food in the house, and some guests are coming to dinner tonight.

à _________________________________________

10. I can't stop yawning.

à _________________________________________

11. I have a toothache.

à _________________________________________

12. I need to improve my English.

à _________________________________________

13. I have the hiccups.

à _________________________________________

14. When William gets out of college, his parents expect him to manage the family business, a shoe store, but he wants to be an architect.

à _________________________________________

15. Pam's younger brother, who is 18, is using illegal drugs. How can she help him?

à _________________________________________

16. The Taylors' daughter is very excited about going to Denmark to study for four months. You've been an international student, haven't you? Could you give her some advice?

à _________________________________________