Respuesta :
Answer: This is from Genesis 9:8-17
Noah and his family were the sole survivors of a devastating flood that wiped out all life on earth. Noah needed God's assurance concerning future judgment. We can barely imagine the feelings of horror and anxiety which swept over Noah as they emerged from the ark. as they were sole survivors, everyone they new before was gone
God is faithful to His promises.
God's Promise to Noah: Never to destroy the earth gain by a Flood.
God has kept that promise now for over 4,000 years! This promise was unconditional God does not say that the promise will be revoked if men reach the same levels of sin as they did before. It did not depend on was not dependent on Noah’s or anyone else’s obedience this was dependent on just God's word to Noah.
This promise is still significant to us even today God's covenant with Noah was a commitment to maintain the inherent relationship between Creator and creation; his relationship with the natural order – implicit in the act of creation – whereby he promised never again to destroy the earth with a flood it shows how forces of chaos will never overwhelm the world.
hoping that this will help :)