Unit 2: Lesson 6 - Coding Activity 1
Write code which takes inputs from the user for the number of sides (int) and side length (double), then creates a regular polygon with these characteristics. The program should then print a sentence with the name of the shape and the area and perimeter as shown in the sample run. You should use the appropriate RegularPolygon methods to obtain the perimeter and area of the shape rather than attempting to calculate these values yourself.

Sample run:

Enter number of sides:
> 5
Enter side length:
> 3.5
A regular pentagon with side length 3.5 has perimeter 17.5 and area 21.075848157214846
Hint: You can approach this problem by saving the int and double as variables, and then creating the RegularPolygon, or you can create the polygon and use methods to set the values of the sides and sidelength.

Unit 2 Lesson 6 Coding Activity 1 Write code which takes inputs from the user for the number of sides int and side length double then creates a regular polygon class=