Using the evidence below, which of the following instances of elaboration does the best job of explaining why the evidence supports that video games cause negative health impacts related to physical strain.
Evidence: Dr. Matthew Edlund, director of the Center for Circadian Medicine and author of "The Power of Rest" says, "Teens need adequate deep sleep and REM sleep to rebuild long-term memory for learning, focus attention for driving and maintain health and fight obesity ... They're so connected to their machines that they're treating themselves as though they don't need any rest" (Ortiz Healy).
Question 3 options:
Because of this tendency for teens to forgo sleep in order to play video games, the physical strain placed on the body by the lack of sleep results in negative health impacts.
Sleep is good, and teens need to be sure to get enough of it.
Negative health impacts due to physical strain result when teens decide not to sleep in order to play video games.
This proves that video games cause negative health impacts.