4.07 Lesson Summary and Assessment
What Do I Have To Do?
A teenage girl talking in a cell phone and holding books.
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Way to go! You have learned so much about ancient Greece! You should be very proud! Make sure you have reviewed all of your Travel Journals and this lesson. Complete your 3-2-1 Chart for this lesson before calling your instructor for your Discussion-Based Assessment.

Important Reminder: Please don't forget that all students must complete one Collaboration requirement per segment . If you have any questions about this requirement speak to your instructor during your Discussion Based Assessment.

Assignment 04.07 Ancient Greece - Module Review and Discussion-Based Assessment
View the Discussion-Based Assessment Grading Rubric before completing the assignment.

Complete the reading and activities for this lesson.
Review your Travel Journal files for all lessons in this module.
Complete and save your 3-2-1 Chart as "04_07_MJWH_YourName".
Complete a call with your instructor to discuss this module.
Submit your 3-2-1 Chart to 04.07 Ancient Greece - Discussion-Based Assessment.