→ The Ten Commandments were laws that people agreed to ___________.
→ They gave the people a _____________ law and stated how Israelites should behave.
→ They firmly established _______________ as a monotheistic religion.
Early Kingdoms of Israel
The Israelites were still divided into the 12 tribes of Israel in Canaan and needed to find a way to unite.
Judges, Kings, and the First Temple
Over time, the 12 tribes of Israel united to _______________ themselves against invaders. They formed a
united _______________ (the Kingdom of Israel).
→ He became the first ______________ around 1020 BC.
→ He was known for defeating the __________________ and uniting the 12 tribes.
A mighty leader and _____________ emerged to free the Israelites. His
name was Moses. The Hebrew Bible says that God spoke to Moses and
asked him to lead the Israelites out of ___________ to the land of
_____________. Their jo