Respuesta :


Las células están formadas por un núcleo y un citoplasma, encerradas por una pared delgada llamada membrana, que las separa de su entorno. Las células vegetales también tienen núcleo, citoplasma y membrana celular. La principal diferencia entre una célula vegetal y una animal es que las células vegetales tienen una vacuola, un cloroplasto y una pared celular.

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For english guys, the question and answer is there below in ENGLISH!


How to know that something is made up of a cell


Cells are made up of a nucleus, and a cytoplasm, enclosed by a thin wall called a membrane, which separates it from its surroundings. Plant cells have a nucleus, cytoplasm, and a cell membrane too. The main difference between a plant and an animal cell is that plant cells have a vacuole, chloroplast, and a cell wall.

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