Respuesta :


I don't know to be I'm not a fan


My opinion on phone and computers made by mined minerals by children is unjust and inhuman! Children should not be put into such a high risk area of work, much less work at all. The children are at high risk of black lung disease (from coal mining), silicosis (inhalation of large amouts of quarts and crystiline silica), fibrosis (Pneumoconiosis cuasing scarred lungs), and much much more. Which can all be detrimental to an adult, much more to children. Which is why these chilren must be helped in some way shape or form.

Notes to person who asked question:

for the most part swtich up the vovabulary to fit your style, and if you assignment dosent need the extra stuff about what can happen to the children you dont need to include that. Have a lovely day. <3