Respuesta :
5 dead in the cold clunchy winters in siraha!
A recent report tells that the cold weather in siraha has taken over 5 lives which were mostly children and old aged.Because of poverty they didnt had clothes to wear,or electricity.
Who's to be Blamed!?:
Normal healthy people were living in that poor nation before the winter struck hard it,taking away 5 lives,leaving the relative bereaved many are now patients of death risking fevers and cold.Because of freezing temprature water lines are disturbed river has frozen and crops are getting dried to dust.
Men are getting in home because of high cold days.Economy there which was before still to bad had fallen even more increasing the death rate for future because of starvation and Non-Shelter issues.
Is someone even trying to HELP OUT!?:
From recent peoples interview they have said that their situation is only getting worse so many of them may evacuate to other countries as their economics and fate here has completely fallen many say that like 10percent of people have already fled old survivors are wantingto stay here as they spent all their lives here but they still maybe forced to leave if the weather doesnt stops it brutal drop in temperature.