(four different questions, Topic: Mythology)

Q 1: Animals can play many different roles in Myth. What are the 2 most common ways animals interact with humans and gods in myth
A. faithful companions
B. Vampires who steal their souls
C. Enemies
D. leaders of their packs

Q 2:
In many myths animals can talk or act like humans, this type of figurative language is called ________________________.
A .idiiom
B. synecdoche
C. amplification
D. personification

Q 3.
An example of animal's supposed qualities becoming an idiom (common phrase)
A. Flying in the face of reason
B. head over heals
C. sly as a fox
D. raining cats and dogs

Q 4:
These archetypical animals in myths enjoy playing games and stirring up mischief.
A. Herald
B. Shadow
C. Shape shifter
D. Trickster