Answer: Saunders designed a new kind of grocery store.
Let us look at all the different options given. We can then use a process of elimination to see which one makes sense.
[✗] protested
-> "a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something." (Oxford Languages)
-> Clarence Saunders did not protest a new kind of grocery store.
[✗] praised
-> "express warm approval or admiration of." (Oxford Languages)
-> There was no new grocery store for Saunders to show approval of, so this answer does not work.
[✗] located
-> "discover the exact place or position of." (Oxford Languages)
-> Saunders did not find where the new kind of grocery store was, he created it.
[✓] designed
-> "planned or conceived in detail or for a specific purpose." (Oxford Languages)
-> This definition fits what we are looking for.