The North - low land prices. The distribution of land in the North enables almost everyone to own a piece of land.
The South - High land prices. Contrary to the North, land is not evenly distributed among people. The rich have more access to land
The South - favored slavery. The South where the land owning is limited, there is more labor slavery of the few rich Farmer.
The North - favored non-slave labor. Almost everyone owns land in the North, so it is non - slave labor.
The North - High tariffs on imported goods. The quest for industrialization and development led to increase in tarrifs on imported goods.
The South - Low tariffs on imported goods. The South lowered their import tarrifs in order to import more machines for agricultural purpose.
The North - Favored construction of transportation systems. This is done to improve the transportation of agricultural products.
The South - Resisted the construction of transportation systems. They do not have good transportation system which hinders their movement from one place to another.