The LCM of 7 and 12 is 84 and GCF of 56 and 96 is 8, 56+96 can be written as 8(19).
It is defined as the common number of two integers, which is the lowest number that is a multiple of the two or more numbers. The full name of LCM is the least common multiple.
LCM of 7 and 12:
7 can be divided by 7
Factor of 12 is 2×2×3
So the LCM = 7×2×2×3 = 84
For GCF:
We know:
GCF(56, 96) = (56×96)/LCM(56, 96)
GCF(56×96) = (56×96)/672 = 8
= (56 + 96)
= 8(7+12)
= 8(19)
Thus, the LCM of 7 and 12 is 84 and GCF of 56 and 96 is 8, 56+96 can be written as 8(19).
Learn more about the LCM here: