
Nervous and Musculoskeletal Worksheet
Instructions: Fill in the sections below based on the Helping Dr. Homeostasis interactive. You may use articles, videos, books, or journals to get treatment suggestions. Make sure you use reliable sources, like those from medical, educational, or government agencies.
Patient A
Diagnosis: Sixth nerve palsy
Treatment plan—list at least two possible treatments:

Cite the sources you used to create the treatment plan:

Patient B
Treatment plan—list at least two possible treatments:
Cite the sources you used to create the treatment plan:

Patient C
Treatment plan—list at least two possible treatments:
Cite the sources you used to create the treatment plan:


Respuesta :


For patient A the treatment of broken bone is with splints or surgery. For patient B the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy is with insulin medications. For patient C, the treatment of muscle sprain is using pain relief medications.

Treatment of Nervous and Musculoskeletal injuries

Nervous and musculoskeletal injuries occurs when there is damage to the nerve or the musculoskeletal system due to a direct impact or an underlying illness.Patient A sustained a direct injury to the bone after an incidence of a bike accident.Treatment plan: The treatment plan for a bone fractures is either through surgery or through the use of splints to immobilize the broken bones and hasten recovery.Patient B who is a diabetic patient reported to the hospital complaining of numbness and tingling in his right foot. This is a nervous injury or damage that occurred due to the underlying illness.Treatment plan: This involves managing blood sugar with insulin and using medication to control nervous symptoms. Patient C who sustained muscle sprain during a track event complained of tightness and pain in the back of her calf.Treatment plan: This should include pain relievers, ice or splinting but depends on the extent of injury.