Respuesta :
objects "fall" toward the center of the earth.
objects travel at a rate of 9.8 m/s toward the center of the earth.
Gravity is the force of a body of mass that pulls other objects towards it.
Center of Gravity
The force of gravity always comes from the center of the body. So, when objects on Earth are affected by gravity, they fall towards the center of Earth. This is the center of gravity for the planet.
Pull of Gravity
The strength of a body's gravity is based on its mass. The more mass something has, the more pull it will have. This means that objects on Earth do have some pull on Earth; however, it is much weaker because the objects on Earth have less mass.
Speed and Acceleration
The Earth pulls towards its center, so objects fall towards the center at the rate of gravity. On the other hand, objects can accelerate across the planet at any rate, like how cars accelerate at different speeds.
The average pull of Earth's gravity is 9.8 m/s. So, this is how fast objects fall to the center of the Earth.