You have just downloaded a file. You create a hash of the file and compare it to the hash posted on the website. The two hashes match. It's referred to as a hash collision. However, algorithms like MD5 are meant to reduce the likelihood of a collision.
With the exception of the file name, I have two excel documents and I want to make sure they are identical. For instance, fileone.xls and filetwo.xls are the names of the files. Apart from the file names, it is assumed that their contents are identical, but I wish to double-check this.
Without downloading a tonne of plugins, I've been trying to review this. There doesn't seem to be a simple solution. I have made an attempt to create MD5 hashes for both files. Does having identical hashes imply that the file's contents are exactly the same? Can the MD5 hash of two files be the same?
It is conceivable to have the same MD5 hash for two completely different files since the MD5 method might produce the same result for two different inputs.
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