Latitude and longitude are parameters or coordinates that help locate any place on earth. Both latitude and longitude are angles that uniquely define a point on the earth.
Latitude and longitude form a grid system that helps determine an absolute or precise position on the surface of the earth. Latitude and longitude can be used to identify a specific location. Latitude and longitude also help identify landmarks.
Latitude is a measure of distance north or south of the equator. It is measured using 180 imaginary lines forming a circle around the earth in an east-west direction parallel to the equator. These lines are called parallel lines. A parallel is an imaginary ring connecting all points that share a parallel.
Longitude measures the distance from the prime meridian to the west on Earth. Both can measure location and time with a single metric. Lines of latitude and longitude allow us to measure the distance from the Earth's equator. They allow us to locate any point on Earth.
Learn more about Latitude here