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Those therapies include dalak (massage), hammam (bath and sauna), karat (exercise), fasd (venesection, or opening a vein to let out blood), hijamat (cupping, a process of drawing blood to the surface of the body by using a glass cup or tube), and amat-e-kai (leeching, or bleeding a person by using leeches).

What is Unani medicine made of?

Unani System of Medicine considers human body as a single unit, made of seven components known as Umoor-e-Tabiya . According to Unani philosophy, the body is made up of the four basic elements i.e. Earth, Air, water and fire which have different temperaments i.e. cold, hot, wet and dry respectively.

With this information, we can conclude that The history of Unani system of medicine can be traced back to ancient Egypt and Babylon. Egyptians made use of medicinal plants as a remedy for ailments. They also initiated surgery as a method of treatment.

Learn more about medicinal plants in