Respuesta :
Latitude and Longitude have been used as a grid measurement system for navigating the earth for hundreds of years.
Latitude and Longitude have been used as a grid measurement system for navigating the earth for hundreds of years.
One of the main and best known terrestrial location systems is the geographic coordinate system, which arises from the combination of latitudes and longitudes. Thus, these two elements together indicate the exact reference of any point on our planet's surface relative to its whole, allowing both absolute location and relative distance between two locations.
Latitude is the distance, in degrees, from any point on the earth's surface to the Equator Line, the main land parallels. The parallels, in turn, are the imaginary lines drawn horizontally to the earth's main axis, east-west or west-east.
Thus, the Equator Line, which is in the exact position of equal distance to the two terrestrial poles, has a latitude of 0º, increasing north to 90º and decreasing south to –90º.
Longitude, in turn, is the distance in degrees from any point on the earth's surface to the Greenwich Meridian, an imaginary line that, by convention, separates the western and eastern hemispheres. Meridians are lines drawn vertically north-south or south-north.