In belgium, the color pink is seen as a color for boys, while in the united states, the color pink is seen as a color for girls. The different views of pink show how there can be __________ in gender rules.

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In Belgium, the color pink is seen as a color for boys, while in the united states, the color pink is seen as a color for girls. The different views of pink show how there can beCross-cultural variation in gender rules.

Like other us a, Belgium also has legitimate languages. these are Dutch, French, and German. those three languages are spoken in areas that can be extra or less delineated. Mid-remaining century, language regions had been delineated on the idea of language use.

Based totally on those 3 areas, Belgium has three reputable languages – English, Dutch, and French. English is but not the primary language of u. s . a .. but even though it is not, a massive percent of the populace speaks the English language. As such, you can talk about it in special conditions all over Belgium.

Belgium has temperate maritime weather characterized by using mild temperatures, winning southerly to westerly winds, abundant cloud cover, and frequent precipitation. Summers are exceptionally cool and humid and winters are quite slight and rainy.

Learn more about Belgium here: