With respect to common television dayparts for eastern and pacific time zones, the slot between 11:30 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. from Monday through Friday is called late fringe .
Off-peak hours are often used on television to describe the evening hours around prime time. [1][2]Television hours before prime time are called the early fringe and are usually between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Until 19:30 Late edge is the period of television that usually follows prime time between 23:00 and 23:00. Until 1 a.m.
In his first 20 years on American television, the early Fringe was considered part of prime time, and from today he started the show half an hour earlier, and the network announced he would be on his hour in the evening. It was prohibited to program the frame of Now known as edge time.
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