The nuclear equation for decay of rubdium-87 by the emission of single beta particle is [tex]^{87}Rb_{37}[/tex] >>> [tex]^{87}Sr_{38}[/tex] + [tex]^{0}e_{-1}[/tex]
There are 36 isotopes of rubidium (37Rb), but only two of them are present in naturally occurring rubidium: 85Rb (72.2%), and the radioactive 87Rb (27.8%). Rubidium is radioactive enough in normal rubidium mixes to fog film in around 30 to 60 days.
The half-life of 87Rb is 4.92 1010 years. It is fairly common because it easily replaces potassium in minerals. Numerous rock samples have been dated using 87Rb, which decays to stable strontium-87 by the emission of a beta particle. Sr tends to concentrate in plagioclase during fractional crystallization, leaving Rb in the liquid phase.
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