At a continuous speed of 20 miles per hour, it takes 2 minutes to cross this bridge.
The unitary method is used to calculate the value of a single unit and then multiply that value by itself in order obtain the desired value. Unitary refers to a single, unique, or solitary unit. As a result,
this method's objective is to establish values in terms of a single unit. If a car can drive 44 kilometer two litres of gas, for instance, the unitary approach can be used to calculate how many kilometers it can travel on one litre of gas. The value of a single unit is determined by the unitary technique, and also the value of the required quantity of units can then be calculated using this value.
0.76 miles = (4024/5280) miles
Speed =20 miles per hour
Time: =(Distance / Speed) = (0.76/20)
= 0.038 ( in hours )
into minutes = 2 min
At a continuous speed of 20 miles per hour, it takes 2 minutes to cross this bridge
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