
Find this motif in short stories and answer the following questions for both stories. Explore the text fully and thoroughly. The short stories are provided in the modules. Explain the pattern of the Transformation motif commonly found in literature
Describe the main characters at the beginning of the story and at what point these characters "leave the status quo" of their lives. What obstacles do they face before descending into an underground? Locate the point where the main characters enter an underground unfamiliar world
What difficulties are encountered there?
Are there any associations with death present in the underground world? What are they?
What does the hero learn about their true Self? About their world?
Explain the point at which they re-emerge, in other words are resurrected. Have they changed? How? I could give you ten more stories with the exact same pattern (motif) and it's no coincidence. Why do you think we read and use this pattern over and over again?

Respuesta :

The Waverly Place Jong was a low-income Chinese girl.

She could see how great life is through the smallest details.

She no longer played with her toys.

I knew from seeing the older children open their gifts that the big gifts were not always the nicest. A huge coloring book of biblical characters was given to one girl my age, while a less greedy girl who chose a smaller package received a glass vial of lavender toilet water.

All of the whys were revealed to me later. I read the rules and used a dictionary to look up all the large words. I checked out books from the Chinatown Public Library. I scrutinized each chess piece, attempting to absorb the power that each possessed. Early on, I learned about opening moves and the importance of controlling the center; the shortest path between two points is straight down the middle. I learned about the middle game and how two opponents' strategies are like opposing thoughts; the one who plays better has the clearest strategy for both assaulting and avoiding traps. I learned why it is critical to have foresight, a mathematical comprehension of all possible movements, and patience in the endgame; all vulnerabilities and advantages become obvious to a powerful adversary but are obscured to a tired opponent. I found that before the game begins, one must gather unseen strengths and view the endgame.

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