A witch-hunt is an attempt to find and punish a particular group of individuals who are being blamed for something, frequently merely because of their beliefs rather than any action on their part.
John Darrel was one of the earliest English witchfinders. A Puritan priest named Darrel made the promise to "reveal all the witches in England" in 1586. [21] As a result of his efforts, there were witch trials in Nottinghamshire, Lancashire, and Derbyshire.
In today's jargon, a witch-hunt is a probe that is typically done in the public eye, ostensibly to find evidence of subversive activities, treason, etc., but actually to intimidate political rivals.
In Salem, Massachusetts, in the months of winter and spring of 1692–1693 took place the most well-known witch trial in history. At the conclusion of the investigation, 141 suspects—both men and women—were put on trial for witchcraft. A total of 19 people were hanged.
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