In the Lenape and Iroquois creation stories, the Earth is created by throwing soil onto a large sea turtle, which grows until it is carrying the entire planet.
Anyone who has ever heard the phrase "it's turtles all the way down" is probably accustomed to the idea of the entire planet riding on the back of a huge turtle. The cosmic turtle mytheme has been present for thousands of years in various civilizations all throughout the world, whereas that philosophical one-liner is of comparatively recent vintage. Let's take a moment to salute the tortoises that keep the planet from collapsing in honor of everyone's favorite philosophical conundrum. According to Edward Burnett Tylor, an anthropologist from the turn of the 20th century, Hindu mythology is where the idea of the world turtle is most likely to have originated. A mountain is balanced on a celestial foundation provided by the form of the god Vishnu's second avatar, Kurma, in one Vedic tale.
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