Respuesta :
1. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has developed several goals to resolve trade issues and promote the benefits of free trade for the world community. These goals include:
Promoting fair and open trade by establishing and enforcing global trade rules and resolving disputes among member nations
Promoting economic growth and development by reducing trade barriers and increasing market access for goods and services
Assisting developing and least-developed countries to fully participate in the global trading system
2. The WTO has had some success in meeting these goals, although its effectiveness is the subject of ongoing debate. The organization has been successful in establishing and enforcing global trade rules, and in resolving disputes among member nations. It has also played a role in promoting economic growth and development by reducing trade barriers and increasing market access for goods and services. However, critics argue that the organization tends to favor the interests of developed nations over those of developing nations, and that the disputes resolution process is biased.
3. The WTO has been responsive to the needs of the people and nations involved by regularly reviewing its trade policies, and it has also established a dedicated mechanism for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to provide them special and differential treatment which give them longer time period to implement commitments and other support.
4. The WTO has demonstrated long-term results in dealing with trade issues by successfully promoting fair and open trade, helping to resolve trade disputes, and promoting economic growth and development. However, its ability to address issues related to inequality and to the impacts of trade on labor and the environment has been the subject of ongoing debate and criticism.
5. Canada is a founding member of the World Trade Organization, and it plays an active role in the organization. Canada participates in WTO meetings, negotiates trade agreements, and actively participates in the organization's disputes resolution process. Canada also provides technical assistance and capacity-
Hope this helps!