Match the meaning to the word part.

1. time
therm, thermo
2. bad
graph, gram
3. cut
4. write
5. new
6. speak
7. heat
chron-, chrono-
8. good

Respuesta :

new= mal

im not 100% sure about bad and new


The correct answers are:

1- Time --- Chron/ Chrono

2- Bad ----- Mal

3. Cut ---- Sect

4. Write --- Graph/ Gram

5. New ---- Neo

6. Speak ----- Dic

7. Heat ---- Therm/ Thermo

8. Good ---- Bene


These word examples are prefixes or roots that give meaning to a word.

They can come from Latin, from Greek etc.

For example:

Chrono is used to define time, all words that contain this term will be related to time: Chronometer, chronologic.

Mal is used to define something evil, all words that contain this term will be related to something bad or evil: malevolent, malign.

Sect is used to define cut, all words that contain this term will be related to cut: intersect, section.

Graph is used to define write or a graph, all words that contain this term will be related to write: bibliography, biography.

Neo is used to define new things, all words that contain this term will be related to something new: Neonatology, neophyte.

Dic is used to define speech, all words that contain this term will be related to speak: diction, dictionary.

Therm is used to define heat, all words that contain this term will be related to heat: Thermal, endothermic.

Bene is used to define something good, all words that contain this term will be related to a good thing: benefit, benefactor.