Pretend you are talking to the recepcionista in a doctor’s office. Include the following information: you need to see the doctor, you have the flu, you want pills, and you don’t want a shot.
What would a doctor tell his patient to do (tú commands) or not to do to stay in good health?

Imaginary scenario: You want to spend the summer with your friend at his/her father's beach house. Your parents don't want you to go, and instead, want you to stay home a take summer classes. Pretend that you are talking to your mom or dad discussing this issue and offer a solution/compromise or two with reasons.

Respuesta :

Usted tiene q ir al doctor porq tiene el flu, si no vaz te puedes enferma
Hola necesito ver al doctor porque tengo el flu, quiero pastillas pero no quiero la vacuna . 2: doctor tell his patient: tú necesitas la vacuna para recupérate y tomar descanso