Respuesta :

Instead of studying medicine, law, or theory, he decided to study necromancy. 

Faustus decides to study necromancy.

Doctor Faustus becomes dissatisfied with his studies of medicine, law, logic and theology; hence, he decides to turn to the dangerous practice of necromancy, or magic. His servant Wagner calls Valdes and Cornelius, two German experts in magic so that Faustus tells them that he desired to experiment in necromancy and needs them to teach him some of the fundamentals.

Necromancy is a practice of magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – in search for divination, or in order to impart the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon. Necromancy may  be used  to refer to black magic or witchcraft.