The Portuguese set out to continue exploring the African coasts to be able to build a network of exchanges, after 20 years of search they reached Bojador. The advances were very slow because the sailors needed to familiarize themselves with the sea currents and to find a solution for the return since they had the winds against. In the return, the ships made stops in Azores or Madeira islands, that had occupied towards the same time. In 1470 they reached the Gulf of Guinea, on their way they explored the islands of Cape Verde. They installed the strong factory of San Jorge de la Mina.
will arrive out of Buena Esperanza (southern end of the African continent)
This allowed them to have more skill and confidence in navigation and to launch to the most coveted destination: India. In 1498 Vasco de Gama arrived in Calicut in India which was an important market of spices
In 1500 the Portuguese Pedro Ălvarez Cabral began an expedition whose objective was to arrive at Calicut to secure commercial agreements. In their way the strong winds led to the ships to other lands unknown in Europe, they Arbitron to Brazil