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The first significant shock for an immigrant would probably be the food. In Africa, . For an american, the defination of soup would be something warm that is drinkable while you wait for the main course. But for an African, Soup has to be tasty, spicy with meat or fish and must go along with a solid add on that you dip in and swallow
As an African, dating was a taboo especially as my parents were the middle class christians and they want their kids to attend college l and graduate before they even talk about bring someone home as boyfriend or girl friend but in America, it's normal for a high school kid to introduce his girlfriend to the parent.So, a naive youth from a typical background might have to get used to mixing with people and going out as it's a norm against what is obtainable back home in Africa.
Africans have very thick accent, and have their own local languages so just arriving in the united states for the first time, if the person is not used to American accent, he or she might have a little problem adjusting to the life style until he or she has fully understood the way Americans speak.
America has long been considered different from a lot of other places due to their culture and some of those cultural differences that may shock people from outside include:
- Informal way of communicating
- Amount of food available
- Gun culture
Americans are very informal in the way they communicate with people such that children can call adults by the first names which is unheard of in many parts of the world as some sort of honorific is usually attached.
America also has a lot of food available such that when a person goes to a convenience store, they are spoilt for choice with what to buy and this is not the case for a lot of the world.
America also has a gun culture that is allowed by its Constitution such that the number of guns and people who own guns in the U.S. is staggering and can be shocking to most migrants who come from areas with heavy gun restrictions.
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