
Lottery codes are in format XYZ are distributed. If X is an uppercase vowel . Y is an uppercase consonate, and Z is any single digit number including 0, how many lottery codes are possible

Respuesta :

there are 5 uppercase vowels (A..E..I..O..U..) and 21 uppercase constonants( 26 letters in the alphabet minus the 5 vowels) and 9 non zero numbers.

5×21×9= 945




First, we have to determine how many possibilities each information gives us. That is:

The first digit is a vowel, so we have 5 possibilities;

The second digit is a consonant, so we have 21 possibilities, and

The third digit is a one digit number, so we have 10 possibilities.

Now, we just have to use the fundamental principle of counting, multiplying the values found:
