Respuesta :

I just do the first part ....
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1. En el club internacional. It is opening day at the international club. The following young people are meeting for the first time. Complete the dialogues.

José: ¡Cómo te llamas?

Isabel: Me llamo(1) Isabel, ¿Y tú?

José: Me llamo(2) José

Isabel: ¿Eres(3) de Colombia?

José: No, soy(4) de México.

Carmen: ¿Cómo te llamas(5)?

Alejandro: Me llamo(6) Alejandro. ¿Y tú?

Carmen: Me llamo(7) Carmen

2. Here are some popular Spanish first names. Can you guess the equivalent English names?


Alejandro - Alexander

Andrés - Andrew

Antonio - Anthony

Carlos - Charles

Federico - Frederick

Felipe - Philip

Francisco - Francis

Jaime - James


Ana - Ann

Carolina - Caroline

Clara - Clare

Cristina - Christine

Elena - Ellen

Emilia - Emily

Francisca - Frances

Juana - Joan


1. In the first activity we have to fill in the blanks in order to complete the conversations using expressions used when meeting someone for the first time.

In Spanish, to ask someone{s name we use the expression "¿Cómo te llamas?" (what's your name?) and the response is "Yo me llamo" (my name is). Points 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 use this expression.

To ask and say where someone or something is from, we use the verb "ser" (to be), and the expressions "¿De dónde eres?" (where are you from?), and "Yo soy de ____" (I´m from ______). So, we use this verb for points 3 and 4.

In point 3 Isabel asks: Are you from Colombia?

and Jose replies: No, I´m from Mexico

2. Here we have to find the English equivalents to the names in Spanish. They are very similar to their Spanish counterparts.