Metals with nonmetals create ionic bonds. Metal oxides can also create ionic bonds. Metal oxides are metals that react with oxygen in the air, such as magnesium oxide.
To name ionic compounds, you must first understand the difference between anions (negative ions) and cations (positive ions). Generally speaking, these compounds consist of a metal and at least one (or more) non-metals. Once you have identified the cation and anion present in a compound, you need to write the name of the metal first, followed by the name of the nonmetal. You must also change the ending of the nonmetal. For example, say the compound you are working with is NaCl. The cation is always written first, and Na is Sodium, so write "Sodium." The anion is always second, and in this case it is Chlorine. However, you will not write "Chlorine." You will write "Chloride" because you are going to drop the "-ine" ending and replace it with "-ide." The full name of your ionic compound is now "Sodium Chloride."