Use the timeline below to answer the following question:

Image of a timeline with four entries. Going from left to right, the first entry is labeled A, the second entry B, the third entry 7000 BCE, and the last entry C.
© 2012 FLVS

Which event could be placed in spot B on the timeline?

Roman Empire ends in West, 476 CE
New Stone Age ends, 4000 BCE
People in Sudan make harpoons from bone for fishing, 5000 BCE
People in Peru weave grass into nets and baskets, 8000 BCE

Respuesta :

B is "left" of 7000BCE so it must be an event earlier than that.

Only choice that was earlier is People in Peru weave grass into nets and baskets, 8000 BCE.

The correct answer is C. People in Peru weave grass into nets and baskets, 8000 BCE


A timeline is a type of visual tool mainly used to represent time and events that occur in the past, because of this in timelines events are organized from the oldest event to the most recent one. This implies in the case presented if the second third entry is 7000BCE the events of entry A and B should be older than this and entry C should be recent than 7000BCE. Considering this, the event that should be placed in spot B is "People in Peru weave grass into nets and baskets, 8000 BCE" because this is the only option that describes an event that occurred before 7000BCE  and therefore the only event that can go before the third entry in a timeline.