Eva, the owner of eva's second time around wedding dresses, currently has five dresses to be altered, shown in the order in which they arrived: job processing time (hrs) due (hrs from now) v 3 5 w 1 1 x 4 9 y 2 3 z 5 7 if eva uses the shortest processing time first priority rule to schedule these jobs, what will be the average number of jobs in her shop today?

Respuesta :

To answer this question, an assumption must be made, that Eva spends 8 hours a day working. If this is the case, then Eva will complete jobs w, x, and v on day one, for a total of six hours. Since the next job (y) requires 4 hours, she will spend two hours working that day, leaving 2 more hours to go on that job. The next day she will spend 2 hours finishing job y, completing it, and finish the longest job z (hours) that day. This means she had 4 jobs on day one, and 2 jobs on day 2 for and average of 3 jobs per day.  
This answer assumes an 8 hour work day, and that Eva can start a job she cannot finish that day.