Respuesta :

Large bodies of water such as oceans, seas, and large lakes affect the climate of an area. Water heats and cools more slowly than land. Therefore, in the summer, the coastal regions will stay cooler and in winter warmer. A more moderate climate with a smaller temperature range is created. Hope that helps :)


    For a good natural development of ecosystems, there must be a relationship between soil, sun, air, water, temperature and others.

    In a more specific case is the direct interdependence that exists between hydrography, climate and relief, since they establish determining influences between them.

    A clear example of this process is linked to hydrography, when rivers and lakes arise from melting snow and glaciers, and suffer changes in the flow of rain.

    The oscillations that occur in the springs come from the seasons, so as the seasons change, rivers and lakes are influenced, resulting in flood and ebb periods.

    Floods correspond to periods of the year when the season is rainy and there is also melting of ice and snow, significantly raising water levels. The periods of ebb occur in the dry seasons, when there is a great decrease of river waters.

    The features of the relief promote direct interference in the river courses, on a surface full of slopes and slopes where it presents plateaus, depressions and mountainous areas. River waters move faster, causing great relief from the relief, this process forms river valleys, and promotes the transport of sediments to the lower relief areas.

    In the flattened places, such as the plains areas, the rivers usually have a curved trajectory and the water velocity is very slow, besides promoting sedimentation in the banks, forming the river plains.

    The relief interferes in some cases with the climate of a region, when the relief prevents the passage of air masses that could determine the climatic