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Step1; Like all strong winds and storms, tornadoes begin when the sun heats the surface of the land. As the warm, less heavy air begins to rise, it meets the colder, heavier air above it creating a strong circular wind. A wind shear is when two winds at different levels and speeds above the ground blow together in a location.
Step 2: The faster moving air begins to spin and roll over the slower wind. As it rolls on, it gathers pace and grow in size.
Step 3: At this stage, it is an invisible, horizontal wind spinning and rolling like a cylinder. As the winds continue to build up, stronger and more powerful warm air forces the spinning winds vertically upward, causing an updraft.
Step 4: With more warm air rising, the spinning air encounters more updraft. The winds spin faster, vertically upwards, and gains more momentum.
Step 5: At this stage, the spinning winds, creates a vortex and the wind has enough energy to fuel itself.
Step 6: The tornado is fully formed now and moving in the direction of the thunderstorm winds. When the pointed part of the tornado touched the ground from the cloud, it is often referred to as 'touch down'
The steps on how a tornado forms are:
- An extreme difference in wind speed at two elevations causes wind shear.
- The difference in wind speed causes a column of air to rotate horizontally.
- A strong updraft connects the rotating air with the clouds above.
- The column of air stretches to form a tornado.
What is a tornado?
A tornado is a rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground.
Tornadoes can destroy structures, uproot trees, and hurl objects through the air like deadly missiles.
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