Respuesta :
Pollution and pesticides had made bald eagle in the list of endangered species for several decades. The DDT spread across the aquatic ecosystem by agricultural washing and the Bald eagle began eating the contaminated fishes. There have been immense efforts done to recover the population of the bald eagle. The recovery process included removal of the alien species and helping the native species to recover in its habitat. The Bald Eagle Protection Act prohibits the killing and possessing the bird or its egg, feather and nest. The efforts to restore the species included elimination of the use of DDT, the habitat including the nests were protected from all kinds of human intervention. The recovery had the main conservation objective to maintain the current population and providing the required conditions to increase the numbers. The species is under vigilance of all sorts and the numbers have increased every year since then.
The bald eagle's rehab was made possible through captive-breeding programs, reintroduction efforts, vigorous law enforcement and habitat contains the designation of national wildlife,etc.
How did the bald eagle manage to survive extinction?
In the matter of the bald eagle, banned the most harmful pesticides in the early 1970s, actions protective laws were implemented , critical eagle habitat was pinpointed and protected, and eagles were reintroduced to areas.
Thus, excluding of the DDT were both critical actions that lead to the rehab of the bald eagle.
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