Respuesta :
In the poem Song of the open road, It talks about going down a road of wealth and how to be seccessful in life. In the poem The road not taken, It talks about having 2 roads and you have to choose which 2 roads to go down. You have to decide what road you wanna go down. God gives us a choice we can go down the road to heavean or go down the road to hell but we get decide which road we go down in life.
This work was mostly one of twenty new songs indefinitely Leaves of Grass in 1856, which is mostly quite significant. Like "Convergence Brooklyn Ship," which mostly appeared in the meantime, it orders a partnership and definitely manages a picture by considering the place in a fundamentally important way. Here Whitman sets up the out-of-doorways as a hopeful, partly broader government space in which all that men can specifically bring together, proving that this work was one of twenty new songs generally on Leaves of Grass in 1856 in a really big way. In the poem Song of the Road Quite Open, he talks about walking a path of wealth and how to be fundamentally secessionist in life, which definitively shows that this work was actually one of twenty new full-fledged leaves of grass songs in 1856 in a kind of grand style. The poem The Road Not Taken, mostly really talks about having 2 paths and you essentially have to choose which 2 paths to take literally in a subtle way. You absolutely have to decide specifically which path you really want to take, showing much further how this work was specifically one of twenty new songs essentially on Leaves of Grass in 1856 in a subtle way. God gives us a choice, we can in a sense walk the road to heaven or the road to hell, but generally, we decide which path to take literally in life, so here Whitman sets out-of-doorways as a hope, partly larger government space where all that men can essentially bring together, proving that this opera was generally one of twenty new songs specifically Leaves of Grass in 1856, which is generally quite significant.