Respuesta :

In north America different native American groups fought along side with both Britain and France


The best answer to the question: In North America, how did Native Americans participate in European colonial wars between Britain and France, would be: they became active participants during the French and Indian War of 1754-1758, which was part of the bigger conflict between the British and French in Europe known as the Seven Years War. During the French and Indian War, the British colonies and the French became engaged in battles between them  and the Indian tribes mostly supported the efforts of the French. Only a few supported the British.

The end result of this French and Indian War was the loss of the French both on their colonial territories, and at home in Europe, the annexation of most of the French colonies to the British ones and a peace treaty between the nations to not further conflict even more. The Native tribes that supported the French suffered the consequences of their actions, while the others were mostly left alone and became known as friends of the British Crown.