An outdoor gear company develops a new type of fabric that works with electricity to warm the body without interfering with motion like heavy jackets do. Research biologists, studying life in extremely cold conditions on the polar ice caps, begin wearing the new fabric because it helps them work more comfortably, and they find it increases their productivity.

What best describes how the processes of scientific investigation and technological design are involved in this situation?

A: The clothing company conducted a scientific investigation to communicate results to researchers, who then used the knowledge in a technological design.
B: The clothing company conducted a scientific investigation to produce a product that researchers could then test while designing new technology.
C: The clothing company used technological design to create a product that helped aid researchers conducting a scientific investigation.
D: The clothing company designed a new technology that provided information researchers needed in order to continue with their scientific investigation.

Respuesta :

i think the answer is the answer choice b

The clothing company developed a new technology that gave researchers the information they needed to carry out their scientific investigation. This situation combines technological design and scientific investigation. Option B is correct.

What is the scientific investigation?

A programme for increasing or arising the questions and positioning prospective solutions to the test is defined as a scientific investigation. Observations are frequently the first and the most important step in a scientific investigation.

Inquiries or questions are frequently followed the observations. A hypothesis is a possible statement for a scientific question that is fully based on current scientific apprehension.

Mainly, the Descriptive investigation, comparative investigation, and experimental investigation are the three varieties of investigations that scientists use to research and make up explanations for circumstances in nature.

Therefore, option B is correct regarding the scientific investigation that is referred to in the given passage.

Learn more about the scientific investigation, refer to:
